New York E-ZPass home page

Opening An Account Show all answers | Hide all answers  
How do I sign up for E-ZPass®?
Complete an application online, pick up an E-ZPass® On-the-Go tag at a retail location near you, or download an application and fax or mail it to E-ZPass® New York Applications P.O. Box 15185 Albany, NY 12212-5185
Do I have to set up a separate account for every car I own?
No, each vehicle should be listed on your application. You may interchange your tag amongst your vehicles, provided they are the same vehicle class, or you may request a tag for each vehicle. Only 4 tags per account are allowed for individual accounts.
Do I have to open more than one account to use E-ZPass® at other toll facilities?
No. Only one account is necessary to use E-ZPass® at participating facilities.
I don't own a vehicle. Can I still get E-ZPass®?
Yes. If you do not own a vehicle, you can still enroll in E-ZPass®. Your tag can be used in any vehicle with two axles, a maximum gross weight of 7,000 pounds and single rear tires (includes RV's with dual rear tires). Please ensure that the E-ZPass® tag is mounted as per the tag installation instructions in all vehicles in which the tag will be used.

If you don't own a vehicle and wish to open an E-ZPass® account on the E-ZPass® website, please contact the E-ZPass® Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-8655 for instructions.

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